This Topanga nonprofit navigates the nascent organic’s ecosystem in Southern California to provide community composting services that unite, uplift, and educate people around sustainable climate solutions. Developing a regional composting model in tandem with state legislation like SB1383 and AB1826, Full Circle Compost (FCC) has galvanized a 0-waste civic effort through education and social collective action.

Full Circle Compost engaged local schools to develop educational programs and curricula around composting and sustainability. FCC taught children about soil health, soil biology, recycling, and plant propogation. A trained FCC specialist provided weekly bin servicing and education across all sites.

Topanga’s first community composting site opened on Earth Day 2020. FCC built capacity with local businesses to collect and compost organic waste in our custom built bins, and established partnerships with small business owners, local newspapers, and other nonprofit organizations.

In 2021, Full Circle Compost recieved County funding to create three additional drop off bins throughout Topanga which are managed and serviced by FCC specialists and volunteers.

zero waste, carbon sequestration, drawdown, organic waste, productive landscapes, land stewardship community composting, climate education